Questions and answers of All about a dog

 Exercise :2  

1.How many people got into the bus with the young woman?

Ans:A man and another woman got into the bus with the young woman.

2.What was the conductor's order to the younger woman?  

Ans:The conductor ordered the younger woman to take her dog out of the bus. 

3.Why did the conductor stand triumphant?

Ans:The conductor was able to force the younger woman to go to the top of the bus and so he stood triumphant./

Ans:The conductor stood triumphant for the lady had to go upstairs.  

4.What is that rule which can not be broken without danger to life and limb? 

Ans:It is the rule of the road which can not be broken without danger to life and limb.


1.When did the author feel that trouble was coming up?

Ans:  When the conductor came in to collect the fares,the Pekinese dog drew his attention . At that time the author saw this, he felt trouble  was coming up.  

2.Mention two demands made by the passengers when the bus stopped? 

Ans:    When  the bus stopped

,the passengers demanded to give them their fares back . They also demanded that he should not leave them there all night. 

3.How are the rules of guidance to be observed? 

Ans: The rules of guidance are  to be observed in spirit and not in the letter for the comfort of the passengers by using common sense .   

Q.Answer the following  questions. 

1.What for did a policeman stroll up there?

Ans:A policeman strolled up there to see what was happening there inside the bus.  

2.When did the conductor go to help the driver? 

Ans:When the bus developed engine trouble,    the conductor went to help the driver

3.  How did the conductor walk?

Ans:The conductor walked to and fro like a captain in the hour of victory.   

4. Who was the last passenger left behind? 

Ans:The narrator was the last passenger left behind. 

5.What was the reaction of the passengers to see the policeman?  

Ans:Seeing the policeman,the passengers burst out with angry protest and appeal. 

6.What did the conductor say to the narrator? 

Ans: To justify himself, the conductor told the narrator that he had got his rules.      

7.To whom did the woman passenger complain angrily? 

Ans:  The woman passenger complained angrily to the three policemen who stood up at the street watching the drama.   

8.What is the message of this story?

Ans:Rules are observed in the spirit only unless their violation might cause casualties.  

9.Why did the woman with Pekinese dog refuse to go to the top of the bus? 

Ans: It was a bitterly  cold night. The  top of the bus was not covered. The woman had already got a cough.It might kill her. So she refused to the top of the bus. 

10.What advice did the narrator give to the conductor finally? 

Ans:The narrator advised the conductor to use his common sense to maintain the rules for guidance. He also told him that the conductor should mind his rules with a little good will and good temper.        
